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Roles and Responsibility

a.       To coordinate and assist in application for externally funded research and development grants.

b.       To encourage, assist and monitor Students and Faculty Members in Paper Publications and Patents.

c.       To publish a yearly dossier of the R&D Activities each year in Book Format.

d.       To coordinate for Industrial Consultancy along with Senior Members of the Institute (with previous Industry Experience) and TIG.

e.       To coordinate in building up MOU with Industries and Academic Institutes of Eminence.

R&D Regulations:

RD1.                Publication Recognition Database

Unless otherwise stated, “Publication” refers to papers published in Journals, Conferences and Book Chapters.

Publications are segregated into two categories:

RD1.1.          Publications where the Journal Name / Conference Publisher Name / Report Type / Book Title (Publisher Name) is indexed/abstracted in the list provided in Annexure A.

RD1.2.          Publications where the Journal Name / Conference Publisher Name / Report Type / Book Title (Publisher Name) is indexed/abstracted in places other than Annexure A.

Patents / Authored Books / Edited Books / Monographs are exempted from any indexing / abstracting database.


RD2.                Financial Benefits

RD3.1.          The institute (TIB) will provide financial assistance as a source of motivation for staff members for publishing papers in accordance to RD1.1. The financial assistance in such cases attracts a ceiling value of INR 5000 or actual, whichever is lower.

RD3.2.          The institute (TIB) will provide financial incentive as a source of motivation and meeting expenses incurred while conducting research and publishing in journals in accordance to RD1.1. The incentive system holds equally valid in cases relating to Patents / Authored Books / Edited Books / Monographs. In such cases the financial assistance is capped at INR 3000.

RD3.3.          The institute (TIB) will provide financial assistance for attending seminars/workshops/FDPs etc. in cases where the institution sends a staff for attending such an activity. The amount of such assistance will be decided by the Principal/Competent Authority on merit basis. In such cases the financial assistance is capped at INR 1000.

It is to be noted that RD2.1 and RD2.2 are mutually exclusive for a single publication. An applicant can address either RD2.1 or RD2.2 at a time for a certain publication.



RD3.                Research Activity Recognition

RD4.1.          Recognition of a research Publication in accordance to RD1.1 by the institution mandates the author’s name and affiliation as per the Appointment Order. In case of multiple affiliations, institutional affiliation may not be primary but definitely needs to be duly recognized in the article/proof. Recognition refers to uploading of the credentials of the Publication on the institutional website, personal achievement of the staff and in accordance to RD2.

RD4.2.          Recognition of a research Publication in accordance to RD1.2 by the institution mandates the author’s name and affiliation as per the Appointment Order. In case of multiple affiliations, institutional affiliation may not be primary but definitely needs to be duly recognized in the article/proof. Recognition refers to uploading of the credentials of the Publication on the institutional website and personal achievement of the staff.


RD4.                Hierarchical Model for R&D Activity

RD4.1.          Research paper funding application should be done through the HOD of the applicant’s department. The first level of verification is conducted by the departmental R&D Committee member and after validation; the application is presented to the Principal through the HOD, for further processing/routing to the R&D Committee. The suggestions of the R&D Committee in accordance to R&D Regulations should be sent to the Principal for further action. The action may be communicated to the applicant directly or through the HOD of the applicant’s department based on the merits of the case and as deemed fit by the Principal, TIB.

RD4.2.          Any staff intending to avail RD2 is encouraged to inform the R&D Committee, through proper channel, about the credentials of the publishing house (where the applicant intends to communicate his/her research) before communicating the research work. The R&D Committee in turn validates the publishing house in accordance to R&D Regulations and informs the applicant, through proper channel, about the credentials of the publishing house in accordance to RD1 through RD3.

RD5.                Revision/Updation

Appendix A to be revised/updated as and when deemed fit by the Principal of Techno International – Batanagar in focus with the national/international research norms and trends.

Appendix A

List of indexing/abstracting agencies for publications


Web of Science Core Collection

1.       Arts & Humanities Citation Index® 

2.       Science Citation Index Expanded™

3.       Social Sciences Citation Index®

4.       Emerging Sources Citation Index

Subject Indexes on the Web of Science platform

1.       Biological Abstracts


3.       Biological Abstracts/RRM

4.       Zoological Record

Current Contents Connect

1.       Current Contents® / Agriculture, Biology & Environmental Sciences

2.       Current Contents® / Arts & Humanities

3.       Current Contents® / Clinical Medicine

4.       Current Contents® / Engineering, Computing & Technology

5.       Current Contents® / Life Sciences

6.       Current Contents® / Physical, Chemical & Earth Sciences

7.       Current Contents® / Social & Behavioral Sciences

8.       Current Contents Collections / Business Collection

9.       Current Contents Collections / Electronics & Telecommunications Collection

Other Collections

1.       Science Citation Index®

2.       Chemical Information Products

i.         ChemPrep™

ii.       ISI Chemistry Reaction CenterSM    

iii.     Current Chemical Reactions®

iv.     Current Chemical Reactions® Database

v.       Index Chemicus®

3.       Reaction Citation Index™

4.       SJR - Journal Search - SCImago

5.      Scopus Journal