
The Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering was established in the year 2012.Electronics and Communication Engineering is both a core subject and a swiftly advancing field, with new ideas emerging every day. From mobile phones to remote sensing, there are exciting avenues to explore. With technology becoming all pervasive in everyday life, opportunities for electronic engineers are plenty.

The department of Electronics & Communication Engineering has faculty members with a blend of youth and experience. Faculty members of this department have considerable academic, industrial and research experience. The department has specialists in the fields of Electronics, Communication Systems, VLSI Design, Wireless and Mobile Communication, Medical Electronics and in various other fields. The department is well known for imparting a strong theoretical and practical foundation in the subject. It has well equipped state of art laboratories. Power point presentations and regular assignments are used to in still in the student a thorough grasp of the fundamentals. With the support of faculty having industrial experience, students are familiarized with cutting edge research and industrial requirements. Besides strong academic inputs, the students are encouraged to do mini projects and gain hands on experience with the hardware and software tools. The department understands the needs of the industry and strives to produce quality engineers with professional orientation. The ambition of the department is to provide quality education and up to date information to the students, so that they find a place in the fast changing industry.

Seminars and Technical symposiums are conducted regularly to keep abreast with the latest trends in the industry. Technical exhibitions and workshops are also conducted to provide exposure into real time applications. Visits to industry and guest lectures by eminent professional from the industry add another dimension to the teaching learning experience. The department not only imparts training in technical skills, it also tries to cultivate ethical values among the students. Students are also encouraged to participate in co-curricular and extracurricular activities, which are so crucial in developing their soft skills and boosting confidence levels.


Professional Enhancement: To develop in the students the ability to acquire the knowledge of Mathematics, Science and engineering and apply it professionally with in realistic constrain such as economic, social, ethical, health, safety, manufacturability and sustainability with due ethical responsibility.

Core Capacities

To provide ability to identify, formulate and solve engineering problems with hands on experience in various technologies using modern tools necessary for engineering practice to satisfy the need of society and industries.

Technical Capacities

To equip the students with the ability to design, experiment, analyze and interpret in their core applications through the multidisciplinary concepts and contemporary learning to build them into industries ready graduates.


To provide training, exposure and awareness on importance skill for better carrier and holistic personality development as well as professional attitude towards ethical issues, teamwork, multidisciplinary approach and capability to relate engineering issues to boarder social context.

Learning Atmosphere

To provide students with the academic environment and them aware of excellence, leadership, written ethical codes and guidelines and the life-long learning to become successful professional in Electronics and communication engineering.


To emerge as a Center of Excellence in technical teaching and research for creating professional to meet the technological, societal and environmental needs of the country as well as globally in the field of Electronics and Communication Engineering.


  • To offer state of the art education system of global standards through innovative methods of teaching and learning with practical orientation aiming to prepare the students for successful career.
  • To prepare the students to think independently, take initiative, lead a team in an organization, take responsibility and solve the problems related to industry, society, environmental, health, safety, legal and cultural issues maintaining the professional ethics.
  • To pursue high quality contemporary research through continued interaction with research organizations and industries in our country and abroad.
  • To develop the highly innovative entrepreneurial knowledge and skills.

Mr. Suman Laha
HOD, Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering


I am privileged to offer you a warm welcome to the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering at Techno International - Batanagar, which is one of the premier institutes in Eastern India, unique like a prism reflecting the manifold shades of learning and co-curricular activities. Over all these years, we have made progress in leaps and bounds in educating students and bring them at par with the ever-expanding horizons of Electronics and Communication Engineering.

This is one of the most dynamic departments of our Institute. Our department is abounding with innovation and creativity in teaching, learning and research. The vision of the department is to produce qualified and technically proficient engineers to serve industry and various research organizations. This is achieved by imparting in depth theoretical knowledge during the lectures followed by hands-on experience in state-of-art well equipped laboratories. Department not only aims to make our students technically sound and knowledgeable but also to nurture their wisdom and make them a better and responsible human being. All this is made possible by the qualified and experienced faculty and staff members of the department.

The department ensures to provide a healthy environment to the students to develop analytical and practical skills and apply them to real world problems. To motivate the students the department organizes regular training sessions through state of art software & hardware tools.I am sure that all passing out students of the department are capable of serving the country well by handling big projects in industry and research organizations in their respective field of interest.

Various workshops, faculty development programs and expert talks are conducted on recent trends in Electronics & Communication engineering frequently to get the know-how of the same. Apart from theoretical concepts, the students are motivated to carry out research in various domains like Internet of things, Robotics, Microcontrollers etc. An in house training is provided to students to set up various projects in guidance of faculty and experts from industries. The students are also encouraged to participate in various extracurricular activities. Educational tours and industrial visits are also arranged to get in touch with the latest technologies used in the industries. In order to prepare the students for industrial exposure, they are given personality development classes to enrich their interpersonal skills. The students are placed in leading hardware and software companies of the country and abroad.

Our department looks forward to contribute in solving the technological challenges of the society with active participation from all sections of the society. We welcome you to the Electronics and Communication Engineering Department whether you are looking for an undergraduate Engineering Program(B.Tech). We are confident that your stint with the department will definitely make you outshine with a successful and accomplished career.

Thank you for visiting us.


The department of Electronics & Communication Engineering, abbreviated ECE, is offering an undergraduate engineering degree program since the establishment of the College in the year 2012 with a view to offer quality higher education to numerous worthy young fellows as well as to meet the huge demand of highly qualified specialists in this field.

Course Intake Duration
B. Tech. in Electronics & Communication Engineering 30 4 Years

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering
Faculty 2022-2023


HOD,Assistant professor

Highest Qualification M.Tech (PhD registered)
Total Experience 6 Year
Area of Work Embedded system & IoT, PCB Design, Solar panel
Email suman.laha@tib.edu.in


Assistant professor

Highest Qualification M.Tech (PhD enrolled)
Total Experience 7 Year
Area of Work Low Power CMOS SRAM
Email salini.bose@tib.edu.in


Assistant professor

Highest Qualification M.Tech
Total Experience 7 Year
Area of Work VLSI, FPGA implementation, Digital Filter optimization
Email raina.modak@tib.edu.in


Assistant professor

Highest Qualification M.Tech
Total Experience 9 Year
Area of Work Next Generation Communication
Email souvik.roy@tib.edu.in

Som Shuvra Mandal

Assistant Professor

Highest Qualification M.Tech
Total Experience 7.5 Years
Area of Work Image Processing, Cryptography and Security
Email somshuvra.mandal@tib.edu.in


Technical Assistant

Highest Qualification M.Tech
Total Experience 12 Year
Area of Work
Email pabitra.ghorai@tib.edu.in


Technical Assistant

Highest Qualification M.Tech
Total Experience 12 Year
Area of Work
Email pradipta.maity@tib.edu.in


All the laboratories are equipped with the state of the art testing and measuring instruments. Thisincludes CRO, Function Generator, Storage Oscilloscope, LCR Bridge, Decade Boxes, MicrowaveTest Benches, Spectrum Analyzer and many more sophisticated types of equipment.

The Department has following Laboratories:

Basic Electronics Lab
Circuit Theory & Network Lab
Solid State/Electronic Devices Lab
Signal System Lab
Analog Electronic Circuits Lab
Electromagnetic Wave Lab
Digital Electronic & Integrated Circuits Lab
Analog Communication lab
Microprocessors & Microcontrollers lab
Digital Communications lab
Digital Signal Processing lab
VLSI Design Lab
RF & Microwave Engg. Lab
Project and R&D Lab

No. of Book Published* Number of Publications in International Conference* Number of Publications in International Journal* Number of Publications in National Conference* Number of Publications in National Journal* No. of PG Projects Guided* No. of Doctorate Students Guided* Patents*
0 7 11 1 0 0 0 7