Civil Engineering is a professional engineering discipline that involves design, construction and maintenance of the physical and naturally built environment comprising roads, bridges, canals, tunnels, dams, sewage systems, buildings, ports and airport. 

The Department of Civil Engineering (CE) was established in 2012. It is one of the premier departments of the Institute. Department has enriched potential and dedicated faculty members whose whole hearted involvement is the biggest strength. The department has fully equipped and functional laboratories and all other lab infrastructure and equipment to meet the highest academic requirements.


  • Training students at the undergraduate level according to the syllabus.
  • Providing specialized training for students to work as professionals.


To be recognized at national and international level as a primary centre for teaching-learning and research in the field of Civil Engineering.


  • To provide high quality programs in education, scientific and technical research in the field of Civil Engineering.
  • To formulate higher quality human capital development agenda for contribution to the competitiveness of national and international industries in the field of Civil Engineering.
  • To conduct strong basic and applied research, to disseminate knowledge, and to contribute to advancement of science and technology.
  • To serve the industries at large and contribute to the socio-economic development of the Society through scientific and technological solutions.

Dr. Aritra Mandal
HOD, Department of Civil Engineering


Welcome to the Department of Civil Engineering - a community of academics who work together, learn together, and Endeavour to make the world a better place.Civil engineers design, build, and maintain the structures and infrastructure that allows our society to function well.These facilities include buildings, roads, bridges, rails, seaports, airports, dams, safe drinking water systems, storm water and wastewater collection and treatment systems, and many others.

 The backbone of the Civil Engineering program is our well qualified and dedicated faculty members who recognize the importance of good classroom teaching and all strive to encourage student-faculty communication. Faculties are role models and often provide professional guidance to students, engaging students in research, and providing opportunities for students to enhance their knowledge.

 Civil engineering department consistently organizes Industrial Training and Site Visit to live projects for students to gain practical knowledge and understanding of field constraints. Our department has also regularly conducted seminar, workshop, and invited lecture since its beginning to keep the faculty and students acquainted with the latest developments in the field of technical education. 

The formation of Student Chapters of the Institution of Engineers (India) has further encouraged our undergraduate students to take up research based projects and publish their works.Students are also provided guidance to appear for GATE and other competitive examinations. The graduates of Civil engineering department are well placed in academia, multinationals and in government & private sector. I am certain that our students will prove to be an invaluable asset to the organization as well as the society.

Courses offered:




B. Tech. in Civil Engineering


4 Years

Diploma in Civil Engineering


3 Years

Department of Civil Engineering
Faculty 2022-2023

Dr. Aritra Mandal

HOD,Assistant Professor

Highest Qualification PHD
Total Experience 13 years (12 yrs Academic, 1 yr Industry)
Area of Work Structural Engineering
Email aritra.mandal@tib.edu.in

Vinayak Ghosh

Assistant Professor

Highest Qualification M. Tech
Total Experience 4
Area of Work Geotechnical Engineering
Email vinayak.ghosh@tib.edu.in

Nabarun Roy


Highest Qualification M. E.(Pursuing) - Jadavpur University
Total Experience 9 years + (7.8 yrs Academic, 2 yr Industry)
Area of Work Construction Engineering
Email nabarun.roy@tib.edu.in

Dibyendu Panja

Technical Assistant

Highest Qualification M.Tech (pursuing)
Total Experience 11 years (8 yrs Academic, 3 yr Industry)
Area of Work Structural Engineering
Email dibyendu.panja@tib.edu.in

Sonai Dhali

Technical Assistant

Highest Qualification AMIE
Total Experience 12yrs + (9 yrs Academic, 3 yr Industry)
Area of Work Concrete Laboratory, Highway Laboratory

Sharmistha Kundu

Technical Assistant

Highest Qualification M.E. (Pursuing) - Jadavpur University
Total Experience 2
Area of Work Water Resources & Hydraulic Engineering
Email sharmistha.kundu@tib.edu.in

The CE department has following laboratory & other facilities:

1. Drawing Room

2. Surveying Practice Laboratory

3. Highway & Transportation Engg. Lab

4. Concrete Technology Laboratory

5. Soil Mechanics Laboratory

6. Engineering Geology Lab

7. Environmental Engg. Laboratory

8. Solid Mechanics Laboratory

9. Fluid Mechanics Laboratory

10. CAD Laboratory

11. Faculty Room

12. Smart Class Room

No. of Book Published* Number of Publications in International Conference* Number of Publications in International Journal* Number of Publications in National Conference* Number of Publications in National Journal* No. of PG Projects Guided* No. of Doctorate Students Guided* Patents*
5 7 35 26 4 13 0 0



International Conference: 1

1. Presented a paper “Strength and durability of concrete, contain waste rubber” at International Conference on SUSTAINABLE ENVIRONMENT AND ENERGY (ICSEE'17) on March 2017

National Conference: 1

2. Presented a paper on “Studies on Effect of Waste Tyre Rubber on Fresh and Hardened Concrete”, Hindustan University, Chennai, February 2016.


1. Participate in Teacher’s Training Workshop on “E-Learning: Challenges & Opportunities” at JIS College of Engineering on 2nd May, 2017.