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Natural Language Processing


Techno International Batanagar organized a workshop on Natural Language Processing in association with ACM Student Chapter in the institute’s seminar hall on 6th August 2019. Our Guestsof Honor was Dr. TirthankarDasgupta ,Ms.PriyankaSinha, Mr. AnindyaSank

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Alumni Meet


Department of Computer Science and Engineering of Techno India Batanagar organized their 1st Alumni Meet in the institute’s seminar hall on 26th of January 2018.

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IEEE Technical Talk


Techno India Batanagar IEEE Student Branch, jointly with Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, organized technical talk session on "Low Power VLSI Design" by Dr. Soumya Pandit on 20th February, 2018.

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Industrial Visit To Doordarshan Kendra


The 2nd year ECE students of Techno India Batanagar have visited the Doordarshan Kendra, Kolkata on 27th February, 2018.

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Smart India Hackathon 2018-Grand Finale


Smart India Hackathon 2018 - Grand Finale was organized by Govt. of India on 30th and 31st March 2018. SIXSOFT – a vibrant team of six enthusiastic students and two mentors from Dept. of CSE, Techno India – Batanagar qualified for the grand finale.

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Big Data Hadoop


Department of Computer Science and Engineering of Techno India Batanagar organized a one day Seminar on the topic “BIG DATA HADOOP” in the institute’s seminar hall on 6th of April 2018.

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Youth Empowerment Programme


1st Year students participated in yoga camp at SNU

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The Equinox is the annual fest of Techno International Batanagar. This three day event aims to celebrate the every aspect of a wholesome student and encourage students to participate in technical, cultural and other competitions.

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Smart India Hackthon 2019- Grand Finale


Smart India Hackathon 2019 - Grand Finale was organized by Govt. of India on 2nd and 3rd March 2019. SWIFT PEARL– a vibrant team of six enthusiastic students participated.

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Seminar On Block Chain


A seminar was organized by department of Computer Science and Engineering in institues Seminar Hall.

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CSI Student Convention


Department of Computer Science and Engineering of Techno International Batanagar hosted CSI-West Bengal State Student Convention 2019 in the institute’s seminar hall on 31st March 2019 organized by Techno International Batanagar CSI Student Branch.

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Webinar On Quantum Computing


A seminar was organized by Department of Computer Science and Engineering in Institute Seminar Hall.

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Inter College Technical Poster Competition


An inter college poster competition was organized to encourage students in developing technical skills.

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Smart Techno Hakathon


Techno International Batanagar for the first time initiated Hackathon on 6 hours continuous coding competition. This was a huge opportunity for students to get idea regarding the fruitfulness of continuous coding.

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CSE Team Got 1st Prize In The CIEM Celsius 2022 -


One of cse team got 1st prize in the CIEM Celsius 2022 - Hackathon.